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Bible Reading 101

Are you wanting to read the bible but you have no idea where to start? Or maybe you have tried in the past and just want to know how to read the bible better?

... Because just like any genre of literature there are good ways to read the Bible and not so good ways to read it! For example, you wouldn’t read a manual like you would read a non-fiction book, and you wouldn't read a textbook like you would read a dictionary.

The same is true for reading the bible.

As a Christ-follower, I am a huge advocate for learning how to read the Bible so you can best grow in your knowledge of God and relationship with him!

Think about it …. it’s absolutely AMAZING that the creator of the universe and maker of ALL things wants to communicate with YOU through His word - like let it sink in for a moment how truly sweet it is that we get to hear from the Holy God, our Heavenly Father, in reading the Bible!

The Bible is God's true word to us (John 17:17), used to sharpen us (Hebrews 4:12), light our path (Psalm 119:105), and is a sure foundation that we can build our lives upon (2 Timothy 3:16).

*I hope you are also thinking now "wow, how amazing"*

…. But that also means we need to know how to read it and how to comprehend it too!

Here are some resources I have personally found very helpful:

How-To Tools:

**highly recommend if you are totally new to regular bible reading**

This is a great book to teach you more about HOW to read the Bible from a big-picture overview. This is a tool that can allow you to better read the Bible on your own (without necessarily needing a study to guide you).

This book is awesome for breaking down the practical elements and details of biblical analysis and bible study

Reading Tools:

Study Bible: I personally love using a student bible (NIV Student Bible) or specific study Bible (ESV Study Bible) that can give me more context into the historical context or biblical significance if I have questions when reading.

Journaling: There are SO many ways to journal and bible journaling tools out there! I simply like to use a blank journal to write down my prayers to God after reading. Might be prayers of thanksgiving, adoration, confession, what’s on my heart, what I learned about God, etc. It helps me keep my mind focused and allows me to have a “conversation” with God when learning more about HIM through His word.

Comprehension Tools: Podcasts/Videos/Studies/Apps

This is a podcast that follows a bible in a year reading plan! The Bible is a comprehensive story about God so if you are feeling lead to read the Bible as a whole (which I highly recommend you do), this is a great resource to follow and podcast to listen along with!

This is a collection of videos that highlight books of the Bible, themes, and topics. They are very entertaining and clear in explanation.

As someone who is not huge on doing studies all the time, I do find them helpful periodically! This website has a good list of studies that provide a deeper look into specific books of the bible.

They have some awesome courses for free if you are wanting to dive into studying the Bible! These are a lot more in depth and provide a lot of information rather than personal reflection but can be really good for guidance in really deepening your knowledge of God through his word!

This app is helpful for guiding you through simple time in the Word with commentary that is easy to understand. There are several studies that you can do all from your phone!

No matter what ....

Remember that these are all TOOLS to help you. Remember that to start hearing from God through His word, you actually don’t need any of these things - all you need is a bible (or heck, even just the bible app on your phone) and a willing heart.

If you wish to just start - I recommend reading the book of John!

In all things, I always remind people that God’s word is alive and active! I always pray before opening up the Bible that God would humble my heart to learn from him in the time I spend hearing from him. May the truth of his word penetrate my mind, convict my heart and allow me to know him more deeply.

That is my prayer for you too, friend 🤍

(Feel free to email me or message me on social media if you ever have questions or want to celebrate what God is teaching you through his word!)

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